New Covid variant Eris rapidly spreading across the UK

Weather and Barbie blamed for spike in Covid as new variant named after goddess of chaos quickly becomes second most dominant in UK

A new Covid variant codenamed Eris is spreading across the UK, according to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). One in seven Covid cases in the country is now down to the new Eris variant, as cases continue to rise.

The UKHSA first raised Eris as a concern in July. Eris is now already the second most common strain in the country, closing in on Arcturus.

Eris is also spreading rapidly across Europe, Asia and North America. Japan said it is seeing a ‘ninth wave’ of Covid infections.

5.4% of tests on people with a respiratory illness in the last week were found to be Covid – up from 3.7% the week before. The overall Covid-19 hospital admission rate for the most recent week was 1.97 per 100,000 population, an increase from 1.17 per 100,000 in the previous report.

Dr Mary Ramsay, Head of Immunisation at the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), said: “We continue to see a rise in Covid-19 cases in this week’s report. We have also seen a small rise in hospital admission rates in most age groups, particularly among the elderly. Overall levels of admission still remain extremely low and we are not currently seeing a similar increase in ICU admissions. We will continue to monitor these rates closely.

“Regular and thorough hand washing helps protect you from Covid-19 and other bugs and viruses. If you have symptoms of a respiratory illness, we recommend staying away from others where possible.

“The NHS will be in contact in autumn 2023 when the seasonal vaccine is available for those who are eligible due to health conditions or age, and we urge everyone who is offered to take up the vaccine when offered.”

Professor Paul Hunter, an infectious disease specialist, said it was too early to say how Eris, also known as EG.5.1, will affect the UK. The UKHSA says the variant has a 20.5 per cent growth advantage on other strains.

Professor Hunter said: “Since Omicron appeared, travel and especially international travel became an important risk factor.”

The World Health Organization has added EG.5.1 to the list of variants under monitoring. Professor Lawrence Young, a virologist at Warwick University, told MailOnline ‘increased cinema attendance’ and ‘more indoor mixing’ due to bad weather may have contributed to the recent rise in cases. People have been flocking to the cinema this summer to see Barbie and Oppenheimer.

He said: “Poor weather over the last month has meant more indoor mixing including during various events such as university degree congregations and increased cinema attendance.”

In Greek mythology, Eris is the goddess of discord, strife, and chaos. She is known for her disruptive and mischievous nature, often causing conflicts and disharmony among gods, mortals, and even inanimate objects. Eris is one of the lesser-known deities in Greek mythology, but her actions played a significant role in various mythological events.

One of the most famous stories involving Eris is the “Judgment of Paris.” According to the myth, Eris was not invited to the wedding of King Peleus and the sea nymph Thetis. Feeling scorned and seeking revenge, she threw a golden apple with the inscription “For the fairest” among the goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, who were attending the wedding. This act led to a rivalry between the goddesses, with each claiming the apple for herself. The dispute eventually led to the Trojan War, as Paris, a mortal prince, was chosen to decide which goddess was the fairest.

Eris’ actions are often seen as the catalyst for chaos and conflict in Greek mythology. She represents the disruptive force that can upset the harmony and order among gods and mortals alike.

Eris is sometimes associated with the Roman goddess Discordia, and her name is the root of the word “eristic,” which means prone to argument or disagreement. Despite her role in causing strife, she was still considered a divine entity and had her own cult in ancient Greece, particularly in regions like Athens.

In art and depictions, Eris is often portrayed as a mischievous and vengeful figure, embodying the darker aspects of discord and chaos in the Greek pantheon.