
Further details have been released about coronavirus testing rules for travellers entering Wales from abroad.

From Monday, February 15 “enhanced measures” will come into force requiring adults and children over five to take a coronavirus test on day two and day eight of their isolation period after arriving in Wales after travelling internationally.

In a statement released on Saturday night, Health Minister Vaughan Gething said failure to do so will be a criminal offence, and could lead to a fine.

Meanwhile, people who have been in a “red list country” in the last 10 days will be banned from entering Wales. Those who do arrive from red list countries at a designated port in England or Scotland will have to enter a managed quarantine period.

Rules will also change for people arriving from “amber list” countries to include exemptions for certain categories of workers for which no isolation is required.

It means that in some cases a person may leave that isolation for a limited period for work purposes.

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In his statement, Mr Gething said: “Advice which has now been received from the Joint Biosecurity Centre indicates that it is difficult to fully assess the public health risk posed by the incidence and spread of variant strains of coronavirus.

“On the basis of this advice and with a view to taking a four nations approach in relation to international travel, I have decided that enhanced measures need to be introduced to manage those risks.

“These enhanced measures include a new testing system is in place for persons aged five years or over arriving into Wales (subject to a limited number of exemptions), requiring them to book and undertake testing on day two and eight of their isolation period. Failure to do so will be a criminal offence, liable to a fine. Failure to undertake both tests will also mean that the isolation period is extended to 14 days.”

Earlier this week the Welsh Government announced people returning to Wales from abroad will have to pay for coronavirus tests before they travel.

From 4am on February 15, everyone arriving in England from a ‘red list’ country will be required to isolate in designated hotels.

The move means anyone planning to travel on to Wales from England will also have to enter a designated hotel for quarantine in England, and that will need to be booked before travel.

The hotel accommodation will cost £1,750 per passenger.

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On February 9, a Welsh Government spokesperson said: “We have agreed to a four nation approach, and will be putting in place the same arrangements in Wales as the UK Government is doing for England.

“This will include all people returning to Wales from February 15 being required to book and pay for tests before they travel. This will be done through the UK portal, whether a person has been in a red list country or not.

“People returning to Wales from red list countries are doing so through other ports in the UK, primarily via England. From February 15, all arrivals in England will be required to isolate in designated hotels.

“This includes anyone planning to travel on to Wales, and they will need to enter a designated hotel for quarantine in England. This will need to be booked before travel.”


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