
The vast majority of people who haven’t been vaccinated are keen to get the jab in their arms as soon as possible.

The vaccination program is our best chance of a return to anything like normality as well as saving lives.

Health boards in Wales have been working through the priority groups starting with the most vulnerable.

However, sometimes there are issues like people not turning up. This means there are vaccines going spare at short notice to prevent them being wasted.

Some health boards are creating standby/reserve lists for people who are prepared to be contacted at short notice for a jab if one becomes available.

WalesOnline has collated the information from all of Wales’ seven health boards to inform you how you can get onto the standby lists where you live.

Cardiff and Vale

Cardiff and Vale Health Board has created this form to create a “reserve list”.

The website reads: “The purpose of this form is to enable a ‘reserve list’ of persons whom may be called for Covid-19 vaccine at short notice. Cardiff and Vale UHB is the data controller for any personal data that is collected.

“Any data entered will be used to determine whether you qualify to receive your COVID-19 vaccination at this time. If an appointment is booked, then the demographics you submit will be used to book your appointment.”

You can view the form here.

Swansea Bay

Swansea Bay University Health Board also have a reserve list which you can sign up to here. The health board are keen to stress this is for firs jabs only.

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Aneurin Bevan

The health board said it will begin offering the vaccine to non-priority patients next week.

But it said it has no plans to set up a reserve list when vaccination appointments are missed.

You can view information on the vaccine roll out in this health board area here.


According to the health board: “Our reserve lists for first dose appointments help us fill cancellations and ensure no dose is wasted.

“They are currently open to people 30-39 (primary reserve list) and people 18-29 (secondary reserve list) for appointments in all three sites.”

You can sign up to the lists here.

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Hywel Dda

The health board does not appear to be offering a reserve list.

You can view information on the vaccine roll out in this health board area here.

Cwm Taf

The health board is offering a reserve list though there were teething problems.

In a statement on their website the health board said: “Firstly, we would like to thank you all for your patience and understanding over our reserve list.

“Our teams have worked non-stop to resolve the technical problems with the reserve list form since Tuesday night. They have identified the issues and are now running final tests on the system.

“As a result, we will not be relaunching the form until next week (week commencing April 5). We will confirm the exact day we go live, and let you know when it is available on our website.

“A large number of you did manage to submit your details and therefore you are on our list, and could receive a phone call next week. As a precaution, because of the technical issues, if you wish to resubmit your details, please feel free to do so. We would rather deal with duplicate entries, than you think you are on the reserve list when you are not.

“We would also like to make it clear this reserve list has been set up because of a slight increase in no shows at our community vaccination centres. It will allow us to fill cancelled appointments, and ensure, as we have done so far, that no vaccine goes to waste. If you are in priority groups 1 to 9, it does not affect when you will be having your vaccination, as your appointments are already booked.

“A reminder to be on our reserve list you must be aged 40 to 49, living in the Cwm Taf Morgannwg area, and able to attend an appointment at short notice (possibly within one hour).

“Finally, a thank you again for your patience, and secondly, while we appreciate these technical issues have been frustrating we would like to thank you for your interest. We are taking it as a huge positive that so many of you in the 40 – 49 year old age bracket wish to be on a reserve list. The vaccines are safe, and we encourage you all to take up the offer of a vaccination so we can all protect our communities. No one is protected until we are all.”

You can find the update here.

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Betsi Cadwaladr

Wales’ largest health board has a standby list but it has already been set.

In a statement on their website the health board said: “We have finalised an agreed standby list of staff who will be called upon if any vaccines become available at the end of the day.

“This standby list also includes North Wales Police staff following national advice and guidance. Public sector employers in the region have been requested to compile and provide to BCUHB lists of staff broken down into Priority Groups 1-9.

“They will be called upon to attend at short, and occasionally very short notice, one of our mass vaccination centres to prevent vaccine wastage. We will not be opening up this standby list to the general public.”


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