
More than a quarter of people on Wales have had their first vaccine against coronavirus – and around 90% of people in the first four priority groups have also received their jabs too.

Although the rate of first jabs being administered is slowing, Wales still leads the way out of the home nations in terms of the total percentage of the population who’ve been vaccinated.

On Thursday, Public Health Wales published the latest weekly data on the rollout of the vaccine across every part of the country for the week up to February 14.

As at February 14, Wales had administered 793,911 doses in total, up from 613,679 the previous week. Nearly all of these were first doses of the vaccine, which is given in two separate jabs. Only 5,436 people had so far received their second dose, meaning they should now be fully immunised against the virus.

Since February 14, nearly 30,000 jabs (first dose) have been administered to take the total to 822,633 or 26.1% of the Welsh population, as of February 17. In that period, there has been a huge jump in second doses with 9,342 adults in Wales (0.77%) now fully vaccinated

However the detailed figures just published up to February 14, provide a comparison of all Welsh health boards.

Betsi Cadwaladr health board area leads the way in absolute numbers of vaccinations administered, Powys remains the area with the highest rate of vaccinations, as it has done since the start of the roll out, with 31,690 doses per 100,000 population. That’s nearly one in three people.

The number of Covid-19 vaccination doses administered by health board/trust of vaccination up to Februray 14

Health Board Total doses Doses per 100,000 population Aneurin Bevan University 149,565 25,172 Betsi Cadwaladr University 186,024 26,592 Cardiff and Vale University 111,368 22,252 Cwm Taf Morgannwg University 106,961 23,841 Hywel Dda University 101,612 26,237 Powys Teaching 41,969 31,690 Swansea Bay University 89,519 22,935 Public Health Wales 100 N/A Velindre NHS Trust 6,657 N/A Unknown 136 N/A Wales Total 793,911

First Minister Mark Drakeford has said there will be a greater degree of flexibility when offering people in priority groups five to nine their first vaccine dose.

“I think one of the things we will see in the next five groups is that in order to get through the volumes that we have to get through, we won’t be going just five, six, seven… down the line,” he said last week.

However, Hywel Dda health board has indicated it will be looking to offer vaccines to the next groups in a more linear approach. On Thursday the health board tweeted: “The next group can start as soon as there is confidence demand for the vaccine from the previous group can be met based on confirmed supplies. We are currently waiting for final national confirmation on inclusion in cohort 6.”

A breakdown of who has been vaccinated up to February 17, by priority group, shows most categories are at or above 90% completion in terms of getting their first jabs.

Received first dose Group size First dose uptake (%) 80 years + 164,645 182,779 90.1% Aged 75-79 123,609 134,538 91.9% Aged 70-74 168,049 184,423 91.1% Care home residents 14,453 17,435 82.9% Care home workers 35,727 42,003 85.1% Healthcare workers 121,460 N/A
  Clinically extremely vulnerable 63,949 77,764 82.2%

The daily data from PHW shows more than 121,000 health care workers have been given their first vaccine doses and over 164,000 people aged 80+ have also got their jabs.

Since moving on to those in their 70s, the vaccination strategy has continued apace with 90% having now received their jabs.

Even while the vaccination rollout in Wales slows, Wales is on track to jab a third of the adult (18+) population by the end of the week. The rate of the rollout has slowed down to third in the UK although this is expected as a lower number of vaccines is made available.

In the past three days, there has been a massive jump in the number of second doses given out in Wales. On Monday 1,849 second doses were administered and on Wednesday this increased to 6,354 doses in just one day.

While Wales has been leading the way for some weeks in rolling out the first doses for all the home nations, i t’s not the same picture for how many second jabs have been administered.

Wales had a much slower start than the other home nations in terms of the vaccine rollout and it wasn’t until the third week of January that the rate of vaccination really ramped up. With a 12 week period between the first and second doses, it means the bulk of people won’t be called forward for their second doses until mid-April.


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