
The state of coronavirus in Cardiff has been revealed with the latest numbers showing promising signs.

It comes as the seven day rolling coronavirus rate across Wales has fallen below 30 for the first time since the start of the second wave.

The infection rate across Wales is now 28.1 per 100,000 people, based on the seven days up to March 31 a drop from 31.3 on Saturday.

This is the first time it has been below 30 cases for every 100,000 people in the last week since September 9 last year.

In Cardiff the infection rate stands at 38.7, up from 32.7 on Saturday.

This is the current state of the coronavirus pandemic in Cardiff:

Daily cases and rate per 100,000

Just like the rest of Wales, the capital is seeing the downward trend in cases continue.

According to the latest data, Cardiff hasn’t reported more than 50 cases in one day for a number of months and the rate of infection across the city continues to drop.


The latest testing numbers continue to show a steady drop since the start of 2021. This is to be expected as the number of cases drop.

According to the figures only twice this year have more than 1,000 tests been carried out in a single day, with the average standing at around 700 each day.


The hospitalisation figures are a key figure to show how well the health board area is coping with the virus. The latest set of figures continue to show good news across with all indicators dropping again.

The number of overall Covid-19 hospitalisations continues to drop, with the figure now down under 200.

A confirmed Covid-19 case refers to a patient who has received a positive result in the last 14 days.

General and acute beds

There is more positive signs from the data looking at how many Covid-19 patients are currently occupying general and acute beds across the health board.

The figure continues to drop from the start of 2021, which is now stayed below 300 for a number of weeks and has recently dropped below 200.

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Invasive beds

Another key indicator of how the health board is coping is how many intensive care beds are being used.

Again the figures for coronavirus patients continue to drop while the overall number of vacant beds rises.

Due to the low numbers, these figures do tend to fluctuate more than other indicators.

But since the start of March the number of coronavirus patients in intensive care has mostly been in single figures, with the current figure standing at five.


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