
Newport has recorded 18 new cases of coronavirus in the past 24 hours, as another 12 people were confirmed to have died with the virus in Wales.

The city’s rate of infection per 100,000 people is now 64.7, down from 67.2 previously, but it remains above the overall Wales figure which is 57.1.

Figures from Public Health Wales published on Wednesday, March 3 reveal that 208 new cases of Covid-19 were confirmed in the latest 24-hour period, a rise from 170 reported on Tuesday. This brings the total since the start of the pandemic to 204,196.

The number of people who have died with coronavirus in Wales within a month of a positive test now stands at 5,356.

The infection rate across Wales is now 57.1 cases per 100,000 population based on the seven days up to February 26, a drop on 60.3 cases reported on Tuesday.

The latest data also shows that 942,017 people have now received a first dose of the coronavirus vaccine, up 8,532 from the figure of 933,485 published 24 hours earlier. Seven days ago the Health Minister announced that all adults in Wales will be offered a Covid-19 vaccine by July 31.

Meanwhile, 124,781 people have now received both doses of the vaccine, a rise from 111,716 on Tuesday.

Uptake of the first dose by priority group (according to PHW):

Care home residents: 14,565 (94.6%) Care home workers: 33,195 (84%) Healthcare workers: 127,495 (86.8%) Social care workers: 38,063 80 years and older: 165,819 (93.9%) 75-79 years: 125,799 (94.2%) 70-74 years: 171,841 (93.5%) Clinically extremely vulnerable 16-69 years: 68,139 (88.2%) 65-69 years: 146,426 (81.2%) Clinical risk groups 16-64 years: 52,389 (18.8%) 60-64 years: 62,625 (30.5%) 55-59 years: 51,902 (22.3%) 50-54 years: 45,073 (19.8%)

Key details

Deaths reported today: 12 Cases reported today: 208 (Up from 170)
Number of tests carried out: 6,748 (Up from 5,119)
Total deaths with lab-confirmed coronavirus in Wales: 5,356 Total number of people who have received a first dose of Covid-19 vaccine: 942,017 Total number of people who have received a two-dose course of Covid-19 vaccine: 124,781

Gwynedd is now the local authority with the highest infection rate in Wales with a seven-day rate of 92.3 per 100,000, up from 86.7 on Tuesday.

Conwy is second with a seven-day rate of 87.9 cases per 100,000, down from 93.9.

Caerphilly is third with a seven-day rate of 80.1 per 100,000 population.

In terms of new cases reported in the last 24 hours, Caerphilly is highest with 20, followed by Newport with 18, Wrexham with 17, Flintshire and Cardiff with 13 each, RCT with 12, and Torfaen and Conwy with 10 each.

All other local authorities reported single figures including Carmarthenshire and Gwynedd with nine, Denbighshire, Vale of Glamorgan and Bridgend with eight and Merthyr Tydfil, Powys and Swansea with seven.

Meanwhile Neath Port Talbot and Anglesey had six, Blaenau Gwent had five, Monmouthshire had four, Pembrokeshire had two and Ceredigion had just one.

Across Wales the positivity rate of tests is 5.8% for the past seven-day period, down from 5.9%. This is below a key Welsh Government threshold for easing lockdown restrictions.

The highest rate is in Gwynedd where 9% of tests have come back positive in the last week.

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Cases per 100,000 based on seven-day rolling average (February 20 to February 26):

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Torfaen: 78.8 (Down from 80.9)

Caerphilly: 80.1 (Up from 72.3)

Newport: 64.7 (Down from 67.2)

Monmouthshire: 49.7 (Down from 50.7)

Blaenau Gwent: 40.1 (Down from 41.5)

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

Conwy: 87.9 (Down from 93.9)

Anglesey: 67.1 (Unchanged)

Gwynedd: 92.3 (Up from 86.7)

Denbighshire: 52.2 (Down from 57.5)

Flintshire: 67.3 (Down from 73)

Wrexham: 64 (Down from 71.3)

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Cardiff: 54 (Down from 63)

Vale of Glamorgan: 38.9 (Down from 43.4)

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board

Merthyr Tydfil: 61.3 (Down from 66.3)

Rhondda Cynon Taf: 39 (Down from 46)

Bridgend: 39.4 (Down from 40.8)

Hywel Dda University Health Board

Carmarthenshire: 49.8 (Down from 55.6)

Pembrokeshire: 25.4 (Down from 27.8)

Ceredigion: 24.8 (Unchanged)

Powys Teaching Health Board

Powys: 62.7 (Unchanged)

Swansea Bay University Health Board

Neath Port Talbot: 59.3 (Down from 60.7)

Swansea: 52.6 (Down from 53.8)

Wales total : 57.1 (Down from 60.3)

Find out how many cases are in your area

Dr Robin Howe, incident director for the novel coronavirus outbreak response at Public Health Wales, said: “The weekly incidence of Covid-19 infections in all local authority areas throughout Wales has fallen below 100 cases per 100,000 population, although there are a small number of areas which have an incidence rate of above 80. This is encouraging, but we must continue following the rules and guidelines to maintain this trend.

“The public should be aware that the level 4 restrictions remain in place in order to keep infection rates falling and that you should stay at home, meet only the people you live with, work from home if you can, wear a face covering where required, wash your hands regularly and stay two metres from anyone you do not live with.

“We remind everyone that four people from two different households are now able to meet outdoors for socially distanced local exercise. However, please remember this is solely for the purpose of exercise and that individuals should remain at a social distance, and that this guidance doesn’t apply to private gardens.

“Welsh Government has announced that families with a baby of under a year old are able to form a bubble with one other household, in order to receive support during the crucial first year of a baby’s life.”

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He added: “Coronavirus cases by variant in Wales are reported on the UK Government website. The dominant strain in Wales is the Kent variant, and there is currently no evidence of widespread community transmission of other Variants of Concern in Wales.

“Welsh Government has announced that the revised vaccine strategy will mean that every eligible adult in Wales will be offered a first dose by the end of July. In addition, adults with severe or profound learning disabilities, and those with any mental illness that causes severe functional impairment, will be invited for vaccination as part of the JCVI priority group six, and Welsh Government has published guidance on identifying eligible individuals in these groups and how to support them to take up their vaccine offers.

“Welsh Government also announced an expansion of workplace and community testing, with workplaces with more than 50 employees now eligible for support to regularly test their workforce, helping to reduce the spread of the virus and allowing them to operate safely.”

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