
The state of coronavirus in Cardiff has been revealed with the latest figures showing positive signs.

The most up-to-date data shows that in recent weeks the figures for the number of cases, hospitalisations, and patients needing the most intensive treatment have been consistently dropping.

Cardiff often sees the most new cases reported daily, due to its population size, but this figure alone doesn’t reveal the full picture.

It comes as the infection rate across Wales is now 44 cases per 100,000 of population based on the seven days up to March 4, a drop from a figure of 45 reported on Monday and now well below the 50 cases figure the Welsh Government had previously highlighted as a key benchmark in its lockdown planning.

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This is the latest data, from the start of December until March 8, showing the real picture of how the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and its hospitals are coping with the pandemic.

Daily cases and rate per 100,000

Just like the rest of Wales, the capital is seeing the downward trend in cases continue.

According to the latest data only 131 cases have been reported so far in March with daily figures down to levels last seen in September.


The latest testing numbers show a steady drop since the end of December. This is to be expected as the number of cases drop.

The last time more than 1,000 tests were carried out in a single day was back on January 12, with figures now consistently below 800 a day since the beginning of February.


The hospitalisation figures continue to show good news across the health board with all indicators dropping again.

The number of overall Covid-19 hospitalisations continues to drop, now rapidly, with the figure now under 317.

General and acute beds

The number of Covid-19 patients in general and acute beds has been falling across the health board since the end of January.

It’s been below 500 since the middle of February and if the trend continues it’ll soon drop below 300 patients.

These beds are patients with a less severe condition.

Invasive beds

Another key indicator of how the health board is coping is how many intensive care beds are being used.

Again the figures for coronavirus patients continue to drop while the overall number of vacant beds rises.

These figures do tend to fluctuate more than other indicators. But since the start of March the number of coronavirus patients in intensive care has mostly been in single figures.

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